Getting here
photo There are various modes of transportation to our beautiful Pacific Coast slice of paradise; the most popular being by air, arriving at Zihuatanejo International Airport. Alaska Air is a very popular airline for those traveling from the coastal and pacific northwest, so be sure to check their schedule. Groups traveling from the mid west to eastern seaboard areas will normally hub in Dallas or Houston. Continental and Delta are based there. Aero Mexico will also pick you up in route to Mexico City for a lay over. Of course check airfares and arrive according to your ticket requirements and remember a passport or registration card is required to enter the country.
photo Car rental and taxis are available at the airport. If you have an adventuresome spirit a car is the way to go. Taxi fairs are approximately $50.00, one way. Head north on Highway 200 towards Lazero Cardenas for about 35 km or one half hour depending on anything, remember this is Mexico. Look for the Troncones turn off. Take the left turn and follow the road to the beach, then take a right and go one half km. Look for the sign Casa Pelicanos on the left and you're there!